1. Do male breasts/ Gynecomastia occur because of eating junk food?
Junk foods as such do not cause male breasts/
The glandular component occurs due to a temporary hormonal imbalance
during puberty. Excess weight gain can cause the male breasts to become
bigger as the fat component increases. There is increased conversion of
male hormone to female hormone in fatty tissues in obesity especially
childhood obesity. This can result in gynecomastia or psuedogynecomastia
formation. So excessive junk foods and lack of physical activity can
reult in obesity and gynecomastia formation.
2. Is there any medicine for treating man boobs?
is no effective non surgical/ medical treatment for developmental male
breasts. If gynecomastia has occured due to a disease or hormonal
imbalance, the underlying cause should be treated first. It is unlikely
that already formed male breast tissue will decrease with any medicines.
Thre are studies which show reduction in gynecomastia in the initial
stages of puberty by medical therapy. However, the quality of evidence
is poor in these studies. Medicines should be taken only on advice of
Endocrinologist. Fat burners and miracle medicines marketed through
internet are not helpful. Plastic surgery is the best option for
gynecomastia treatment.
3. Can exercises help me get rid of the gynecomastia?
breasts/ moobs usually have two components- glandular (breast) tissue
and fat. The fat component can be reduced by fat reduction through diet
and gym. The glandular component will not reduce by any amount
exercises. It can be removed only by surgery. Even the fat component
does not respond to exercises that well. Mnay patients with gynecomastia
have reported that the lower chest shape does not improve even after
significant weight reduction.
4. If I have male breasts, does it mean that I have more female hormones?
breasts/ gynecomastia develop during the pubertal age- 12-15 years of
age. The excess female hormones existed during that time. Normal male
hormone levels are soon established. Most men with gynecomastia have
completely normal male hormonal levels. If there are other features of
low male hormones like lack of facial hair, hormonal tests are required.
5. What will happen if I do not treat the male breasts?
breast/ Gynecomastia is not a disease. If you are not bothered about
the appearance, there is no need for treatment. The surgery for
Gynecomastia is meant to improve the appearance and create a normal
manly chest. This is purely a cosmetic surgery. Most people undergo
Gynecomastia surgery to look and feel normal, shed social inhibitions and regain confidence.
6. Will the male breasts increase in size?
male breast/ Gynecomastia usually have a significant fat component,
when there is weight gain, the male breasts also can increase in size.
The glandular component does not usually change in size.
7.Is there a chance of the male breasts occurring again after surgery?
breast tissue in gynecomastia does not recur or form again. The fat
cells in the chest can enlarge if you put on a lot of weight after
surgery (Most of the excess fat in chest is removed by liposuction.
Liposuction removes majority of fat cells in lower chest and so the
chance of depositing fat in lower chest will be greatly reduced after
minimal access gynecomastia surgery). Otherwise the result after
Gynecomastia surgery is permanent. It is advisable not to gain weight
after the surgery to maintain the good result.
8. My nipple-areola is very large. Can it be reduced in size by surgery?
nipple areola is a usual problem with moderate to large sized man
boobs. There is no need to cut and reduce the areola size. After
Gynecomastia surgery, due to the reduction in size of the breasts, the
areola will automatically shrink in size. Areola reduction by surgery
will leave big scar all aound the areola.
9. I have puffy nipples, I don’t know if it is male breasts. What is the difference?
nipples in men” is a term that usually denoted Grade 1 Gynecomastia,
where there is only a small amount of breast tissue directly under the
nipple- areola. Puffy nipple is also male breast, and the treatment is
by surgery. Even this tough glandular breast tissue can be removed by
keyhole male breast surgery.
10. I consulted a plastic
surgeon nearby and he said that the tough glandular tissue can only be
removed by open excision. Is that true?
alone will not remove tough gland tissue. But the breast tissue can be
removed through small incisions very effectively. In anterior pull
through technique, the gland tissue is completely removed under direct
vision using a small incision under the areola. Th traditional half
circle incision is not needed. The advantage here is that the scar is
very small. This is quite important for Indian skin which is prone for
thick scars.
11. When can I start going to office again after male breast surgery?
can return to normal office work the next day of Gynecomastia surgery.
If your work requires lot of travel or physical work, it is better to
take a few days of rest. Driving can be started from next day of
12. When can I start my gym routine?
exercises- treadmill, brisk walking, cycling, elliptical cross
trainers- can be started after 2 weeks. Weight training can be started 4
weeks after Gynecomastia surgery.
13. What can go wrong in the male breast surgery?
surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. Standard risks
exist, although they are very rare. Infection, haematoma, asymmetry,
under correction, decrease in nipple sensation and poor location of
scars are reported. The complication rate in top centres is very low.
14. What is the purpose of the corset? Is it compulsory after male breast surgery?
corset( elastic vest/ compression garment) provides compression
immediately after Gynecomastia surgery and thus limits the post
operative swelling. It also helps to support the skin during healing and
helps to reduce loose skin after surgery.
15. What is be the total cost for keyhole gynecomastia surgery in India?
cost of male breast/ gynecomastia surgery in India will depend on the
size/ grade of the male breasts, category of room and time required in
operation theater. The total cost can vary from INR 55,000 to INR
150,000 at Lakeshore hospital cosmetic surgery centre in Cochin, India.
I have lost about 25 kilos; still my male breasts are prominent. They
are sagging also. Can it be corrected by keyhole surgery?
there is significant sagging of skin, the male breasts can be corrected
by open surgery which will remove the excess fat, breast tissue and
skin. The location of the scar could be around the areola or on both
sides of the areola depending on the severity of sagging.
I had Gynecomastia treatment by liposuction 1 year back. I still have
prominent male breasts. Why did it not get corrected completely? Will
keyhole surgery be successful in my case?
The glandular
tissue may not have been completely removed in the first surgery or the
liposuction may have been inadequate. Excessive weight gain can also
cause fat depostion in chest to occur even after gynecomastia
surgery. This can certainly be corrected by keyhole surgery to remove
any residual gland tissue and excess fat.
18. How is keyhole male breast surgery different from liposuction?
Liposuction removes only fat tissue. Male breasts also have tough
glandular tissue which does not come out by traditional Liposuction.
Keyhole male breast/ Gynecomastia surgery utilizes a modified method of
Liposuction where special cannulae are used to disrupt the glandular
tissue. Lateral pull though technique or anterior light pull through to
remove the glandular tissue can also be performed through the keyhole.
Keyhole surgery is effective in
chest fat reduction and complete gland removal without big scars.
19. Where can I get keyhole male breast surgery in India?
Lakeshore hospital Cosmetic Surgery department headed by Dr. Hari Menon
is one of the top centers in India for male breast/ Gynecomastia
treatment. The centre treats patients from all over India as well as
from neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait
and even from US and UK. The surgical facility and nursing care is
world class. Dr. Hari Menon is one of the few plastic/cosmetic surgeons
in India who can treat majority of male breasts using minimal access
20. I have heard of hospitals in India being unclean and high infection rates after surgery. Is it true? How safe is it undergo male breast surgery in India?The
quality and level of care in hospitals in India is a certified by
accreditation board- NABH. Dr. Hari Menon performs Gynecomastia surgery
in top hospital in Kerala with excellent quality and infection control
protocols. Infection following Gynecomastia surgery is extremely rare
because it is a clean minimally invasieve surgery.
21. Is Gynecomastia surgery common in India. How many surgeries are done in a month?
number of surgeies can vary from center to center. Gynecomastia is a
common problem. The number of men who seek treatment is increasing. This
is probaly due to increase in awareness, heightened sense of body image
as well availability of more acceptable surgery like keyhole procedure
without hospital stay. 10-15 cases are done in a month at Lakeshore
hospital cosmetic surgery department in a month.
22. Why should Liposuction be done in Gynecomastia? If gland excision only is done, is it not enough?
cases of Gynecomastia have a combination of fat and gland tissue. The
fat component is usually more than the gland tissue. Doing liposuction
in these cases is important to get the normal chest shape and for chest
sculpting. If the fat is not removed, the lower chest shape will not
improve. The fat cells can enlarge if you put on weight. If the
gynecomastia is mainly because of gland tissue, liposuction is not
23. Does combining Liposuction in gynecomastia surgery increase the chance of complications?
chest liposuction is most often a small volume liposuction. The
complication rate of small volume liposuction when done by experts is
very low. The benefit of doing male chest liposuction in moderate and
large gynecomastia far outweighs the risks involved. The result acheived
is definitely better if liposuction is also done in cases where there
is excess fat in the lower chest. The fat deposition in lower chest in
men is often resistant to fat burning methods. Visit: